Sunday, September 14, 2008
My Baby is in Therapy!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Ah, Motherhood!
Still fighting her cold, Evan was no longer sleeping through the night. She woke up needing the nose-sucker every 4 hours. Although not her fault, it is really painful to only sleep for a few hours at a time.
We woke up early on Tuesday morning and bathed our little girl in preparation for our visit to Dr. Shori. The visit went well. She weighed 9 pounds, 15 ounces (which put her in the 25th percentile). Does that mean she is too big or too little? It must be the former. Lance and I cannot fathom that our offspring might be thin for her seems unnatural. Her head size is in the 70th percentile and her length of 23 and 1/4 inches is in the 80th percentile. We are a bit confused by all of this information, but happy to discover she is healthy.
Then it was Wednesday. Lance awoke in the middle of the night with a sour stomach and Evan needed her nose-sucker more than once. I sent them off to Decatur and hoped the day would improve. I called to check in with Lance to ensure they arrived at daycare safely. This has become the routine. I suppose I need to know they were not carjacked and taken from me each day. This phone call was not the routine I expected.
Lance had to pull over suddenly during the drive to Decatur when he became violently ill. He survived the incident, dropped Evan off at daycare to discover he had forgotten her formula, and headed to work. He still felt poorly, but felt it could make it through the day. I checked in with him about every hour to see how he was feeling so I could obsess on how to keep the stomach bug from attacking my daughter (and me...I would rather lose a limb than throw-up). He was not feeling better. I talked him into getting Evan home and I met them there to care for them both.
By the time they arrived home, they were both running a fever. Lance went straight to bed and I fed Evan and put her down for a nap. The rest of the evening was filled with seeing to their needs and worrying that they both were not well. I finally felt like a Mom. I did everything that needed to be done and found I was quite capable. It quickly became obvious that I have been spoiled with a very helpful husband and an amazing support system, but I did it. ALL of it. Yay me!
We all stayed home on Thursday. Lance was on the mend and except for the perpetually stuffy nose, Evan was happy! Things improved enough for me to attend auditions at school in the afternoon and we all prepared for Friday at school. Until....I started to feel really poorly. I was pretty sure I was coming down with the bug too, and by late evening Evan was running a fever. This time it was Lance's turn to be Mr. Mom. He sent me to bed and took care of our fussy fever-laden little girl.
At 5:30 a.m. on Friday we made the decision that Lance would stay home with Evan since she was still running a fever. Thanks to some real rest, I felt better and went to work. By the time I arrived home at 5:00 p.m., Lance was ready to get out of the house. He went to see a show with friends and I stayed in with Evan. Luckily, she felt better and we spent the evening laughing with Aunt Tootie and Aunt Fave.
Saturday was even better for all of us. Evan played and napped when it was actually convenient for us and we were able to spend the day with Amber and Amanda playing bridge...don't judge us until you have attempted the game. It is really challenging and I feel smarter just knowing Bill Gates and Warren Buffet also play for fun.
Sunday has been really good so far thanks to Evan's Geebaw! We received a big box from her on Saturday and actully sat down and went through all the wonderful things she sent this morning. It was amazing! She sent several beautiful new pages for Evan's scrapbook and the cutest pair of shiny, pink Olivia shoes. Best of all, the box was practically stuffed with some of the best books I have ever read. We read them all and, like Geebaw, cannot wait to share them all with Evan! I know if my Mom were here to spoil our little girl, books would be at the top of her list, and to me that makes it even better! Thank you Geebaw!
I suddenly was overwhemed with emotion as I read each post-it Pam loving placed on each book describing why she chose it, or who loved it, or why we would like it as well. I realized once again how fortunate we are to have Geebaw in our lives. This is what Geebaws do and we are so grateful Evan has one! Hopefully our special morning is a sign of a better week to come!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Evan began going to daycare in Decatur on Tuesday which was much more difficult for me than anyone else. I cried quietly after she and her Daddy left early that morning and found myself looking at the clock every few minutes all day long. I could not wait until they arrived home to ensure she was still the same baby. She was. I do not care for the smell of her hair when she returns, but no one will ever care for her the way we I will just have to deal with it.
Lance and I watched the Democratic National Convention each evening and were really affected by what we saw and most importantly by what we heard. I am so proud that the year our child was born, an African-American man is the presidential candidate for a major political party after narrowly beating a highly qualified woman for the nomination. I hope that these political and social happenings are signs of the direction in which our daughter's society is headed. I do believe things can change and I dearly HOPE they will. We are steadfast Obama supporters and are proud to be a part of such a history-making event.
Evan is now fighting a cold brought on by her first week at daycare with all of those other tiny germ-filled creatures. She is handling it well and Lance and I are hoping to get some sleep soon! She has her two month check-up tomorrow and we are anxious to find out exactly how much our beautifully chubby baby weighs and ask even more questions of our patient pediatrician. No worries, I will post all the details soon!