Okay, I will not try to be clever or amusing, I will just let you know what has been happening in the last several weeks.
To preface, Evan is doing really well and is changing every day. She is now sitting up, and has discovered she can grab anything she can reach and is starting to try to roll over. We are also pretty sure she is teething, as the drool and need to chomp on things increases every day.
Since we found our new in-home daycare, we have settled into a comfortable routine. Lance and Evan head out each morning at 6:25 a.m. and I pick her up each afternoon. She is happy, healthy and beginning to show signs of her independence and feisty spirit! Meaning she knows what she wants and goes after it, whether that be holding her own bottle or practically shouting "No!" at her father when offered a pacifier late one evening. We have no idea where this stubborn streak comes from!
Since I last updated the blog, we have taken our first road-trip! Evan did really well on the road although her presence did increase the length of the trip by about 2hours. Oh well, a girl has to eat! We traveled to Hereford, TX, where I grew up and where Geebaw lives. It was a fantastic weekend full of wonderful food and great friends! Geebaw graciously offered to keep Evan at her house and we had two nights of real sleep in the hotel. Thank you Geebaw! Evan also received her halloween costume courtesy of her Geebaw. We had to post that picture!
Speaking of Halloween...Evan did don the ladybug costume and we walked through Aunt Tootie and Aunt Fave's neighborhood and then went back to their house so Lance could prepare to be the dead guy in the haunted garage. Amber and Amanda created a haunted house with their neighbors for the kids. They had a great time while Evan and went back to the house and watched The Backyardigans. Evan LOVES The Backyardigans! She watches intently and laughs all the way through each episode. Her favorite character seems to be Uniqua (the pink creature). Her level of excitement increases dramatically each time she is on screen. So for now, The Backyardigans is recorded each day for her enjoyment.
Evan had her 4 month check-up last Monday and things are good. She currently weighs 19.5 pounds and is 26.5 inches long. I know, she is a chunk, but a healthy one. Her doctor was happy with her development and commented on her superior muscle tone. Who knew? Those numbers put her in the 98th percentile and the size of her head (whatever that is, I cannot remember), but she is in the 75th percentile, so all is good.
She has a bit of a cold or perhaps some allergies and we are dealing with that. On Tuesday, amidst the celebration of the election of President-Elect Obama, we found out that Lynn will be closing her in-home daycare for the next few months. She has to go to be with family in Iowa. So I had 8 days to find a new in-home daycare for our little girl.
After several phone calls, tears and searches on Craig's List, we now have a new in-home daycare! Next week, we will say goodbye to Lynn on Tuesday and Aunt Sally is coming for the rest of the week. Thank you Aunt Sally!
Evan will start attending Miss Jennifer's on Monday, November 17th. It is a bit more expensive, but she provides the formula and only keeps the children of teachers, so we have the summers off. If and when Lynn returns, we will decide what is the best option for Evan. For now, we have a place we feel good about! "Few! That was a close one!"
Again, I will try to be better about updating this blog, but I make no promises. I start my master's work tomorrow, we have a show opening on Thursday and I leave for the Madonna concert in Houston on Saturday (thanks Lance!).
So until next time...