The last five weeks have been filled with the usual: sleep deprivation, feelings of inadequacy, spit-up covered shoulders, and sappy smiles.
It is true. It is much harder that I ever imagined it would be...much harder. Of course it has been worth it, but in ways I never dreamed.
Those of you who know us, already know that Lance is truly one of the best. I knew that too; but it is has never been more evident than in the last five weeks. He never fails to be there for either one of us. Whether it is a pillow under my elbow or a refill on my water bottle, he is there. He has smiled through the peeing, the pooping, and the puking. I watch him delight as Evan reacts to him and I am again filled with such overwhelming love for the two of them, I just sit and cry. This has also prompted Lance to worry about the "baby blues" and insist I go out with the girls! He has been selfless and I need everyone to know how much he is appreciated and loved.
Evan is just beginning to really see us and react. Her smiles light up our hearts. I now look forward to every day...just to see what she is going to discover.
Thank you to all who have visited...we appreciate your support and love more than you know.
My plan is to blog once a week to let everyone know what Miss Evan is doing, but as I have learned...nothing will ever go according to plan again. Que sera sera, we have a beautiful little girl!
It is true. It is much harder that I ever imagined it would be...much harder. Of course it has been worth it, but in ways I never dreamed.
Those of you who know us, already know that Lance is truly one of the best. I knew that too; but it is has never been more evident than in the last five weeks. He never fails to be there for either one of us. Whether it is a pillow under my elbow or a refill on my water bottle, he is there. He has smiled through the peeing, the pooping, and the puking. I watch him delight as Evan reacts to him and I am again filled with such overwhelming love for the two of them, I just sit and cry. This has also prompted Lance to worry about the "baby blues" and insist I go out with the girls! He has been selfless and I need everyone to know how much he is appreciated and loved.
Evan is just beginning to really see us and react. Her smiles light up our hearts. I now look forward to every day...just to see what she is going to discover.
Thank you to all who have visited...we appreciate your support and love more than you know.
My plan is to blog once a week to let everyone know what Miss Evan is doing, but as I have learned...nothing will ever go according to plan again. Que sera sera, we have a beautiful little girl!
Evan is so beautiful and you guys are wonderful for creating a blog for people like me to catch up. Have a wonderful time raising your lovely daughter and try your best to remember all of the milestones, we soon forget.
I CANNOT believe how big she is getting! She is too cute! I miss you guys.
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