Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Evan is three months old today! As the special day approached, I began to fully realize just how much has changed for us and how my perspective on almost every aspect of my life is radically different.

When I wake up in the morning I cannot wait to see her.

When I leave work in the afternoon I cannot wait to see her.

When Lance comes home from work I cannot wait to watch him see her.

When she giggles I cannot wait to hear it again.

When she goes to sleep at night I cannot wait to see her totally at peace.

I am totally in love with my little girl. There is nothing I would not do to ensure she is safe, happy and well. Nothing. My heart aches when she hurts and soars when she smiles.

My wonderful husband and amazing little girl fill me with the desire to be better, to do more and to love completely.

Evan began a new in-home daycare on Monday. She is now in town where we have a support system and I can be with her as soon as my work day ends each afternoon and...

I cannot wait.


1 comment:

waysquared said...

No more daycare, huh? I'm glad you were able to find somewhere. When we going to get together? :)